Mwalimu Nyerere's daughter Rosemary has died

The daughter of the late Father of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Rosemary Nyerere, has passed awan on 1st of January, 2021, by Diramakini Reporter (Dar es Salaam).
Rosemary Nyerere who was among seven children of late Father of the Nation, died on the evening of New Year in Dar es Salaam City.

The information of her desmise was confirmed by some of her relatives, Sophia Nyerere via Instargram and Manyerere Jacton. The funeral is being conducted at their house in Msasani, Dar es Salaam City.

Who is Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere 

Julius Kambarage Nyerere (March 1922 - October 14, 1999) was one of Africa's leading independence heroes and leading light behind the creation of the Organization of African Unity. 

He was the architect of Ujamaa, an African socialist philosophy which revolutionized Tanzania's agricultural system. He was the Prime Minister of an independent Tanganyika and the first president of Tanzania. 

Julius Kambarage Nyerere died on October 14, 1999, in London, UK, of leukemia. Mwalimu Nyerere remains a deeply respected figure both in Tanzania and Africa as a whole.


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