Chinese national found with ivory, rifles at his home

LILONGWE,Police raided the house of a Chinese national in Lilongwe where they found seven rifles and pieces of ivory.
The suspect has been identified as Bin Liu who lives at the low-density Area 47 in the Capital City.

State Broadcaster MBC has reported that the law enforcers had been investigating the suspect for several months.

The law enforcers together with wildlife officials then decided to raid the suspect’s house.

The officers took sniffer dogs and searched the house where they found several pieces of ivory and the rifles.

During interrogation, Liu told police that he is a hunter and he uses the state-of-the-art rifles for hunting.

Meanwhile, the suspect is at Lilongwe police station for further questioning.

Under the National Parks and Wildlife Act, it is an offence to possess specimen of endangered species or to deal in Government trophies.


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