DAR ES SALAAM-The Institute of Social Work (ISW)-Kisangara Campus invites applications
from qualified candidates for admission into the following programmes to be offered in the Academic Year 2024/2025 (March Intake):
A. Basic Technician Certificate Programme – (NTA Level 4) in Social Work:
Minimum Entry Qualifications
(i) The applicant must have at least four (4) passes (in any excluding religious subjects) at Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).
(ii) The applicant who holds at least a six (6) months certificate from any institution
recognized by NACTVET or NVA Level 3. In addition, the applicant must have three
(3) passes from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) - excluding
religious subjects.
B. Technician Certificate Programme – (NTA Level 5) in Social Work:
Minimum Entry Qualifications
Direct Entry:
(i) The applicant must have at least a minimum of one (1) principal pass and a subsidiary at Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) in appropriate subjects that will amount to a minimum of 1.5 points
(i.e., at least one E and S). In addition, the applicant must have four (4) credits from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) - excluding religious subjects.
Equivalent Entry:
(i) Basic Technician Certificate from any institution recognized by NACTVET with a
GPA of 2.0. In addition, the applicant must have Four (4) passes from Certificate
of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) - excluding religious subjects.
(ii) Certificate in Nursing/Midwifery and related courses, with an average of C from institutions recognized by NACTVET.
In addition, the applicant must have at least
four (4) passes from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) -excluding religious subjects.
Applicants are required to apply through the Online Application System (OAS) link:
oas.isw.ac.tz or via the Institute‟s website www.isw.ac.tz, and pay a non-refundable fee
of Tshs. 10,000/= for Tanzanians or USD 30.00 for non-Tanzanians.
For more information, please visit the Institute‟s website at “www.isw.ac.tz” or
Call: 0677 111200 or 0735 509090 – Dar es Salaam Campus 0716121096 - Kisangara campus.
NOTE: ISW's Online Application System (OAS) is open until 23rd February 2024.
Institute of Social work
210 Shekilango Road
P.O. Box 3375
14113 Kijitonyama
Dar es Salaam
February 2024