IT is said that "today's child is the future of tomorrow." Just as today's flower bouquet will blossom tomorrow and bring joy to others, so can innocent children of today be able to glorify the name of the country by becoming good citizens in the future. Childhood is very important for everyone. 
It is in this context that many possibilities are emerging between them. With proper care and proper education, they will be able to participate in the well-being of society as a whole in the future.

"Children are a precious gift from God. God Himself is present in the hearts of those who are pure and pure. His simple innocent gaze is the main focal point of the attraction. How many couples suffer so much to have a child? What a wonderful way to screw people over. Only a childless couple can understand the true value of a child.
(From Mandarkhand,Rambag, Jajpur, Odisha)

But in the current context, there are some irony to the point that this is a matter of great concern.

The offspring of the immortal is created by the combination of the two lustful bodies. The child of that nectar is thrown away to cover up his sin in some unholy place. In so-called mythical societies, children are called "jars". Unfortunately, this is not the case with the orphanage.

It is the quiet room of the orphanage that becomes their only relative. Even if they do not commit a crime, they will have to face life imprisonment and harsh treatment. They do not have the identity of a father, nor do they have the softness of a mother. Even after breastfeeding, their mother's milk does not fall into their mouths. What could be more tragic than sacrifice?

Every day the pages of a newspaper are turned to the story of the cruelty of child abuse. The government's universal education policy is inaccessible to them. "It simply came to our notice then. In hotels, dhaba, restaurants and mines the children have to suffer a lot.

Despite the enactment of a number of child abuse laws, they are no longer valid. It is better not to talk about girls, but to live in the womb. There is no end to the brutal barbaric atrocities committed against the rest of the girls who are being born. They are the victims of atrocities before they can fully understand the world. Childhood is hell for them. It has a profound effect on their psyche. In today’s disgraceful society, many examples of teen age mothers getting pregnant are circulating on social media.

"It simply came to our notice then. I have high hopes and hopes that my writing will at least achieve some degree of social change. One small request to everyone Never condone child abuse. Its silent

Opposition groups called for a boycott of the assembly in protest of a new constitution.


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