About Us

Our pledge to Our Audience Diramakini Is Tanzanian blog established to play role in shaping the global agenda through telling true stories by delivering quick, in-depth and exclusive news on issues and events affecting our political, economic and social landscape. Medium of communication is Swahili and English. The editorial board representing is totally committed to delivering accurate and impartial news designed to inform the public debate and enable people to make educated choices. Our pledge to those we serve is to seek the truth, deliver the facts and offer relevant context and analysis where appropriate. Our tone will be non-judgemental, objective and fair. In all cases we will strive to include all relevant opinions and ensure that no significant strand of thought is neglected. We will strive to dig where others don’t, give voice to the voiceless, shine a light in dark places, scrutinize the executive and hold the powerful to account-all on behalf of you, our audience, who we aim to serve with integrity offering journalism that is professional, credible, reliable , trustworthy, dependable and totally transparent. Our aim is to create space for debate and diversity, to defend freedom of expression. We have set ourselves challenging objectives but we believe that only be striving to achieve the highest can we elevate ourselves above the elements which tend to hold our country back. However, if you see anything in print or online where you feel we may have failed to deliver on the pledges set out above, and where we may have failed on issues such as tone, impartiality, objectivity and fairness, please let us know by using the contact us form. We are here to listen and improve 24
contacts: diramakini@gmail.com OR +255 719 254464.

Dira sent May 12 at 8:56 PM

Corrections Policy
In light of a rapidly changing media environment in Tanzania and globally, we strive to be accurate as possible and will take time to fact-check and verify our stories. However, we may sometimes make mistakes, miss important stories or information or have been misled with false information.If you find any factual errors or mistakes in our articles or on our social media pages that require correcting, please contact our editorial team at contact us form or email diramakini@gmail.com and we will strive to review the issue as soon as we are aware of it.

Dira sent May 12 at 8:58 PM

Disclaimer As Diramakini we commit ourselves to the highest standards of independent journalism. We commit ourselves to the highest standards of independent journalism. We serve the public’s right to know, to allow citizens to make decisions and judgments about their society. We pledge to exercise our role with great care and responsibility to safeguard public trust in our integrity.

Dira sent May 12 at 9:09 PM

Editorial Policy
Diramakini Blog was established with the slogan "Trusted and Targeted News 24 hours" because that is what we believe in. We have a right to freedom of expression, included in the United Republic of Tanzania Constitution and this freedom is at the heart of the editorial independence. We will balance our right to freedom of expression with our responsibilities to our audiences and to our contributors, subject to restrictions in law. We are going to be holding power to account Our journalism seeks to establish the truth and use the highest reporting standards to provide coverage that is fair and accurate. Free speech enables the exchange of information and ideas without state interference. It helps to inform public debate. Journalism Standards Our journalists are expected to work to Media Code of Ethic, the industry benchmark for good journalism. Where readers have complaints or concerns about our reporting, Diramakini Blog has a robust procedure in place to ensure those complaints are taken seriously and dealt with with all deliberate speed. If you believe a story we have published is inaccurate, you can email diramakini@gmail.com Investigative Journalism Investigative journalism is an integral part of journalism and the only means of ensuring a corrupt-free society and shall be practiced without fear or favour. Comment Diramakini Blog will be entitled to comment upon or criticize any actions or events of public importance and shall be presented in such manner that it appears clearly that it is comment, and shall be made on facts truly stated or fairly indicated and referred to. Bribes Our journalists should be responsible and live up to the highest honour and trust bestowed on them by not being influenced by monetary or profit considerations. Confidential Sources Diramakini Blog has an obligation to protect confidential sources of information. However, the Editor must be given all sources of information by all journalists which must be corroborated by at least two authentic and independent sources.

Dira sent May 12 at 9:12 PM

Fact Check Policy

When it has been deemed necessary in certain circumstances, Diramakini Blog will also use fact-checkers and articles may be withdrawn without warning or apology if a recheck of facts returns unsatisfactory result.Use the email hereby provide to raise concerns with the Editorial Board of Diramakini Business Limited at email; diramakini@gmail.com with the title of the article or link. Thanks


DIRAMAKINI is Tanzanian news media house established to play role in shaping the global agenda through telling true stories by delivering quick and in-depth.Our readers trust our coverage of the issues that matter most to them. Our agenda-setting journalism attracts. Contact us on diramakini@gmail.com OR +255 719 254 464.

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