Association of Persons with Albinism (APAM) welcomes recruitment of person with albinism into Malawi Police Service

LILONGWE-Association of Persons with Albinism (APAM) says the recruitment of a young man with albinism into the Malawi Police Service is commendable because it shows that boundaries are being broken.

APAM president Young Muhamba has made the remarks following the recruitment of Vasco Hamid into MPS.

Hamid is among recruit constables who have been hired this month and are set to undergo police training. Reports indicate that Hamid is the first ever person with albinism in Malawi to be recruited by the Malawi Police Service.
“This is good. We are breaking boundaries. It shows that people with albinism can deliver in the society if given that chance,” said Muhamba.

He added that young people with albinism should know that persons with albinism are capable of excelling in any challenging jobs like the police force and Army.

In Malawi, persons with albinisms are hunted for their body parts which some people wrongly believe can cure diseases or bring luck. Attacks against people with albinism in Malawi range from killings, tampering with graves and abductions.

The number of reported crimes against people with albinism in Malawi is estimated at approximately 170 cases, including more than 20 murders since November 2014.

Muhamba said the recruitment of persons with albinism in decision making positions can have an impact on the fight against attacks on people with albinism. (M24)


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