INDIA: Chinmaya Foundation's 24th Review Meeting on the 600th Day of Corona Awareness and Relief Distribution


A leading social welfare organization in the India country the Chinmaya Foundation has been distributing relief supplies and aware to the people about Covid-19 for 600 days without interruption since 22nd March 2020 to get rid of the epidemic.
The review meeting has already been held.Every 25th days a review meeting has held in various places of the foundation. 

Yesterday Chinmaya foundation held its 24th review meeting at Dolphin Dance School and Group premisses in the place MangalPur of Jajpur District was Chaired by the Founding Chairman of the Chinmaya Foundation Mr. Chinmaya Dash and was attended by Member of the Foundation and Program Coordinator Master Mihir Kumar along with Mrs. Madhusmita Nayak, Mrs. Tulsi Mallick, Mr. Shashikant Nayak, Mr. Surendra Pandav.

They reviewed in that meeting to carry on this relief distribution and Covid -19 awareness program is more to continue with more effectiveness and to include more & more people from various sectors of the society,those who are interested to do constructive works with positively for the society.


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