INDIA:142nd weekly corona kit and relief distribution program of Chinmaya Foundation


EVEN though the fear of corona virus has been removed from the people, its effect has not reduced completely.
According to the data of last Friday, it was found that 5 numbers of corona positive came out in Odisha state.

In view of all this, Chinmaya Foundation has been continuing its awareness, corona kit and relief distribution program for 994 days.
In this context, it was seen that corona kits and relief were distributed with awareness in different places of Jajpur, Bhadrak and Kendrapara districts for seven days from day number 987 to 994 of the last 142nd week.

It was seen that volunteers of the foundation Mr. Shreekshetra Sahoo, Rakesh Kumar Jena and others are continued the program on the instructions of the founder chairman of the foundation Mr. Chinmaya Dash.


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